Tuesday, January 24, 2012

On Hiatus

These hundred words may seem a jape
A simple sprint to cross the tape;
But strewth they are a great distraction –
To pen-a-tome’s my desired action.

I here declare my predilection
For a longer form of fiction.
Should any work of mine be heard,
Perforce it be of copious word
For if I'll scribble and obsess
'Twill end a novel – nothing less.

Therefore, Reader... here I pause
To labour on my greater cause.
My channel fades, for now, to black.
Should Muses will it, I’ll be back.
But if you want to read m’latest
You’ll have to wait till post-hiatus.


  1. Posted to dversepoets.com on Jan 31, 2012. Check that site for some fine poetry


  2. nice...have fun laboring on the greater cause...a novel...very cool..wishing you a productive time

  3. best wishes on the book...i hope the muses are well to you so that we can see your return soon enough...

  4. Ugh! Absolutely understand! It's very difficult. Best of luck! K.


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