Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Bad Father

My dad was okay, I guess; but I never really did see him much. He went in on the train every morning before I got up and usually came home after bedtime. He did tell me once about his office building and promised to take me there and buy me lunch in the fancy restaurant at the top for my birthday, but he never did. And you know what? I thought those explosions were really cool, but one of the big kids at recess said to shut up, and I told him to shut up because my father was dead.
Frame grab from this forbidden trailer.


  1. fug man....a punch in the guts in the end there...all too real with the playground scene...and the emotions behind this one...

  2. wow. still real and raw after all this time. excellent write.

  3. Impossible to comprehend ~~ still. .. and from a child's perspective, magnified a billion times.

  4. well timed and well done...but oh so sad

  5. and the debris is still falling, thanks, remember or we forget.

  6. Your words pack a punch there Roy....very intense feelings crafted well.
