The grey-blue smoke rose in twin channels from her nostrils, like that of a dragon. True Love? Je ne crois pas pour un instant! Marion sniffed and butted out her Chesterfield into one of the square glass ashtrays. Really, dating a 24-year old boy when she was…what was she? Forty-two! Sallup! And waltzing in on his willowy arm at a Knights of Columbus Christmas party of all places. Oh, mais elle manges la bravo, this divorcée, drinking her highball and leaving her hat on during dinner. This May-September circus act would not end well, and she would see to that.
Image from the G. F. Leclair Estate.
US (online) launch of 52 Weeks to a Sweeter Life
Join us to celebrate the launch of 52 Weeks in the US! Wednesday October
16, 7:30pm EDT In conversation with Dr. B. Nilaja Green and organized
by Charis ...
5 months ago
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