Dean Bergeron had a newsy nose and a knack for being in the right place at the right time. He and his Sears Solid State tape recorder were always first on the scene when the newsworthy struck Webbwood Estates. His range surpassed that of any other twelve-year old muckraker. One day he’d pen a frothy piece on Susie Campeau’s birthday soiree, or tug at heartstrings with a cautionary tale involving a dare, a pussy willow and Jimmy Blais’ ear canal. But when his instamatic captured Mrs. Gouin leaving the Knights of Columbus with Mr. Jobin, things got a little hard-boiled.
Image from the cover of Encyclopedia Brown and the Disgusting Sneakers.
US (online) launch of 52 Weeks to a Sweeter Life
Join us to celebrate the launch of 52 Weeks in the US! Wednesday October
16, 7:30pm EDT In conversation with Dr. B. Nilaja Green and organized
by Charis ...
5 months ago
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