Thursday, January 23, 2025

So, What Do We Do Then?

How do you navigate through a world full of monsters but not become one yourself? The temptation is there to wall yourself into your condo like a medieval hermit or a modern anchorite, passively resisting the onslaught of rampaging narcissists, by not noticing them. That will work, right? There’s nothing to say you have to engage. You could turn off your cell. Refuse to comment. Don’t watch them. Don’t give them the satisfaction. You could practice pranayama breathing. Give up red meat and strong drink. And only binge watch the sitcoms of your youth. But is that resistance or capitulation?

Inspired by (or a reply to) Peace Is Not a Love Song. Illumination from Ancrene Wisse, courtesty of Corpus Christi College.


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