Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The End of the Rebellion

 Hundreds of rebels leave Montgomery’s 
 Tavern and march down Yonge Street 
Hey, John. Do you remember the day—how many summers ago now—that you dropped by on your way home from the CNE? I don’t think you’d been long at your new job, and I remember you started the day marching in the Labour Day parade, right into the Exhibition grounds, so they’d let you in free. 2000? 2001? We drank a couple of beers each in the afternoon shade, Upper Canada Rebellion, not long before Sleeman discontinued it. It’s not particularly important, but it was my one of my favourites, and I’d like to put a date to it.


  1. ha. a very natural letter and or conversations...not familiar with the upper canada rebellion...will have to look that up

  2. Hope to find out more about the Upper Canda Rebellion too. As an American I am interested, but not knowledgeable. Can you share more?

  3. In fact, Canada had two rebellions in 1837: one in Upper Canada (Ontario) and one in Lower Canada (Quebec). FWIW, on the 150th anniversary of these events, in 1987, I happened to be working in a small bookstore on Yonge Street in Toronto, as a re-enactment of the Upper Canada Rebellion marched by, which was the same year in which they launched the beer.

  4. An ordinary chit-chat with extraordinary connections! Fascinating flow of associated ideas!

  5. Interesting aspect of history and given the dates, it's when the memories of the civil war/American revolution would have passed from life but still remembered in the stories told of granddad

  6. funny how we want to put dates on events that in hindsight left deep marks.. who would've thought about this on that special morning..

  7. The upper Canada rebellion is new to me, but I like the voice you have created to tell the story. Very readable.

  8. great take on the this kind of narrative style...put capturing a snapshot of something important...marching in a parade...protesting?....this captures and says more than that is just written on the face of it....very cool

  9. Interesting take on the prompt, I like the voice, mood here.


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