Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Quiet Left Behind

I’ve set myself up to be last out of bed, so whenever I make the mistake of waking early, there’s little choice but to lie still and listen to the morning unfurl. Tension builds as Rowan begins his hall-thumping kitchen-rattling routine, while I wait for the screams from his sister; and there’s certainly no hope of getting back to sleep until Mary’s finished working through each dresser drawer and returned two or three times to the closet.
     God love them all, but there are times I wonder if I wouldn’t miss them so much as the quiet they leave behind.
Photo by Moyan Brenn


  1. smiles...i love listening to the mornings unfurl...usually i'm the first getting for me it's the other way round..but i know what you mean...smiles..

  2. There's nothing quite like the morning chaos - nicely captured.

  3. smiles....there will come a day i will miss the sounds of the children waking up...i am first up as well and sit waiting for the rest in the silence of their sleeping...

  4. oh i miss this sometimes. right now, it is only me in the mornings... how i hated the chaos most of the time when i still had it.
    now, in quiet moments, i want it back. but don't tell them... ;)

  5. Ah, anticipating their departure already. Sad, crazy and loving. Fun verse.

  6. there’s little choice but to lie still and listen to the morning unfurl

    Love that line, and yes... one day the leaving and lamenting of the absence of those sounds. Makes me long to hear them.

  7. I like to stay in bed, too... but tis very rare that I have that chance.

  8. Right now I complain about how noisy the mornings are. I have no chance of sleeping in. One day though I will find myself deeply missing it.

  9. listening to mornings unfurl...the quiet they leave behind...wonderful!

  10. Yes..probably missed when it is gone..or quieter at least..

  11. Curiously I was always the reverse. The comforting sounds of the family stirring in the morning was a delight and all was well with the world.

  12. I'm always amazed at the morning chaos in my house during the short time (because why get up and move leisurely when you can rush and race?) that everyone has before school starts!


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