Saturday, May 28, 2011

%, sigil for hashes

In Perl, % is the sigil for hashes. Perl, language of debutantes in long oyster satin gloves. Not spoken, but drawn through the dust keeping vigil in the powder room. The hash function maps each possible key to a unique slot function. If – and only if – one glove slithers off, leaving its debutante behind, that’s a sure tell a one-armed bandit has absconded with it, off to play the slots for double diamonds, one up on the deb. She’s waltzing alone, a glass with three cherries – how uncultured! – in the remaining glove, the other hand behind her back, fingers crossed.

Posted to dVerse Poets.


  1. The italicized text is from Wikipedia's entry for the computer language Perl.

  2. maps all possible keys to the wonder her fingers are crossed...intriguing piece...

  3. Fingers crossed behind her back. Ha ha! :)

  4. Interesting capture of the world in % and Hashes... It was interesting to see the 3 cherries reflecting on the other gloved hand, fingers crossed...
    'She’s waltzing alone, a glass with three cherries – how uncultured! '
    True imagery.. thanks for sharing...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    At Twitter @VerseEveryDay

  5. Most original little write I've read so far this evening. Great job.

  6. Fascinating write, I truly enjoyed it!

  7. love it! the image of the fingers crossed wraps this together beautifully.


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