Friday, July 8, 2011

The Gospel According to Hoyle

Jesus decided to sit out the hand. He was down a fair bit, and there were really too many at the table tonight for a good poker game. Besides, although he dared not tell anyone, the gift of prophesy did have a way of taking the fun from the game . . . unto you a king is given . . . to fill that inside straight . . . I fold! And what was Judas getting up to with his “behold, I lay my hand before thee” flourishes as he took pot after pot? Perhaps he too was cheating, but on that the future was not so clear.


  1. For the month of July, the members of Exquisite Corpse are writing 100 words a day on each letter of the alphabet in turn.

  2. haha...that is awesome...judas cheating...nah...smiles...a king is given to you..smiles...have a great holiday!

  3. "the gift of prophesy did have a way of taking the fun from the game" -> that's a great line


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